Friday, April 6, 2007

Beginning Of Hogwarts Saga

Hello everyone - I'm new to blogging and it's been a while since I've done socks - so I am hopeful on both accounts.

I am an avid knitter just haven't had a lot of time over the past years due to life in general, work, family, etc. Now that I have retired, I am trying to get back to the things I really enjoy, reading, sewing and knitting - I also soap, crochet and just about any other craft that comes along I try.

Like everyone on the Hogwart's Sock Swap - we are Huge Harry Potter Fans. I can't say as I have a particular favorite character although I am partial to Hegwig. I wanted to rename all my animals but the family wouldn't go for it. At the time, about a year ago, I had a grumpy old Himalayan that I wanted to name Dumbledor - my lab would be Ron Weasley, my Bengal probably Hermione, my other tiger cat probably would have been Harry or Hagrid.

OK, enough about my pets. The sorting hat sorted me to a Hufflepuff, which works for me. My son is a Gryfindor.

I am attempting to start the Horcrux socks today in a worsted weight, had to hunt for needles as there is nothing in this small town that I live in. But gee what a surprise - I have a huge stash of various sizes of needles, just have to get out my sizer thingy to find the size I need. Can't quit buying yarn, so I got a nice purple with flecks and a variegated blue today to try out and see how it comes out.

Thanks to Rebecca for inviting me to this group - Robin

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

Renaming all your pets? Too, funny! Welcome, Robin!